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Nurturing Connection and Collaboration with Ron Bryan

Nurturing Connection and Collaboration with Ron Bryan

May 02, 2023

Ron Bryan had to decide between serving clients collaboratively or fulfilling his own ambition when he joined the team of Vancouver Wellness Studio professionals.

You have to do it alone, but you can't do it by yourself. - Ron Bryan

Ron Bryan, a dedicated fitness trainer and owner of True Fit Personal Fitness, brings his passion for holistic health to Vancouver Wellness Studio. With a strong focus on collaboration and client care, Ron's approach to fitness perfectly complements the diverse range of services offered at the studio. Ron is a fitness expert who is great at building professional relationships. During this conversation, he explains how important networking is for healthcare businesses to grow and why collaboration is a key to success.

Ron values the teamwork at the Vancouver Wellness Studio, where practitioners with diverse expertise complement each other to provide genuine care to clients. This unique collaborative environment, built on the foundation of trust and the absence of ego, has led to both personal and professional growth for Ron, turning colleagues into friends and strengthening the bonds of the healthcare community.

In this episode, we touch on how to:

  • Harness the impressive influence of networking to grow your connections and business.
  • Unite goals and values with your team for success in collaborative endeavors.
  • Elevate your professional circle by surrounding yourself with proficient, like-minded experts.
  • Achieve equilibrium between unwavering original aspirations and the agility to adapt and expand.

Get all the links, resources, and show notes here:

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About Ron Bryan

Ron is an NASM certified personal trainer with a corrective exercise specialization. 25+ years of growth and experience in the fitness industry!

Ron's Website

About Kendall Hagensen

Kendall is a Somatic Mental Health Therapist, Multidisciplinary Clinic Owner and Business Coach. She specializes in, and is passionate about, working with healthcare professionals to create the businesses of their dreams. Big goals always have a psychological component beneath the surface, so Kendall uses her background in Somatic Psychotherapy and EMDR Therapy mixed with Business Coaching tools to help clients develop a healthy relationship with their business and their strength as a leader. 

As someone who lives with a chronic illness herself, Kendall feels that health happens best within community, which is why she takes a holistic, integrative, and collaborative wellness approach to her personal and professional life.

Kendall’s Web/Social Links